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Johanna North

The law of attraction: How to make 2019 your best year so far

In collaboration with Chinhhari Arts

Exactly 3 years ago, I had a pretty decent life in Finland. I had a good job in fitness/sales, lots of cool friends to hang with in the city's hottest cafes and clubs, active Tinder life (lol), a nice flat in a fancy area in the capital city... But I wasn't really happy with my life, because I knew I desperately wanted something else.

I ended 2015 by still making all the wrong choices that never brought me happiness. But on the very first day of 2016, I woke up with the realisation that I had had enough. I was hungover and unhappy with my life after yet another long night of "fun" and partying. I didn't feel like that was the real me anymore. It was time to make a change.

And here I am 3 years later living and building my dream, with the man of my dreams, in a land that I didn't even dare to dream about when I was younger. How did it come to this?

The Instagram post where it all started!

I posted on Instagram, on Jan 1st, 2016, writing:

"I don't really believe in actual New Year's resolutions, but I do believe in the rules of attraction. I believe in the power of mind. What you think, believe and set your attitude to, you will get.

So I wrote 28 notes to myself about the things I want and believe I will get this year, put them into an envelope to open only on the last day of 2016 to see what the year, a positive attitude and determination brought into my life. Most of all, I believe this is the year of Love in my life. Love of self, life, world, others and especially that special unicorn somewhere out there."

I didn't want any casual flings, or to have my heart broken by guys who just never were that good of a match to begin with. I was sick of waiting for love to show up in the wrong places. I realised my greatest desire was to find my dream guy, have a happy, healthy relationship and start a family one day. In addition to listing that as one of my intentions for 2016, I also visualised my ideal man in detail in my mind. I thought about my idea of a good relationship and the life I wanted in the future. Then, I wrote down on 4 full pages all the values, interests and personal traits of the man I needed next to me.

66 days later, he waltzed into my life online. A stranger from India wouldn't have usually caught my attention, but the 99% compatibility got me curious to learn more, so we started an intense chat! My gut instantly told me I had finally found that special unicorn. And just a couple of weeks later I realised that – even without specifically having checked my list – he met every criteria I had set for the ideal partner!

This was the first time I applied the law of attraction and it completely changed my life! Witnessing the power of my mind work feels like magic, but it's not a supernatural trick or just for those "lucky people"! Trust me, I'm definitely more on the unlucky, failure side of things. I often feel lost and hopeless. I've battled severe depression and anxiety disorder. But I do as much as I can, I fail and I try again. I just needed to get to know myself and start making good decisions FOR ME every day of the year. Sometimes I start fresh every Monday or even every morning, but what a better time to set your goals than the new year!

2016 definitely proved to be the year of Love for me. Even though I didn't get everything I set out to find that year, I was able to attract so much goodness and progress into my life that I still keep setting my intentions on Jan 1st to start every new year! This year, it was 31 little dream notes into my pretty treasure box gifted by Chinhhari Arts. And on the last day of 2019, I will once again open the box to read if I was able to live my life with intent and purpose. Who's with me??

I wish all the love and happiness for each and everyone in 2019, so here's a little checklist on my best tips to set your goals for the year and make it a great one!

ASK yourself which things make you truly happy

DECIDE what you want in life, now and in the future

BE SPECIFIC in setting intentions

WRITE your goals down on notes

SEAL the dream notes somewhere safe and precious until the end of the year

TAKE SMALL STEPS and forget achieving big changes at the very beginning – you have the whole year to work on these!

TALK about your dreams and goals with the people around you and create a supportive environment

SAY YES to good, exciting possibilities

TRY and fail often

MOST IMPORTANTLY, don't be afraid to say NO to people and habits that have not and WILL NOT ever make you happy

REMEMBER it's okay to not reach a goal, but just move towards it

To shop the treasure box or other Chinhhari Arts home decor pieces use my New Year's special codes:

johanna_20_2019 for 20% off + gift on purchases above 1999 rupees

johanna_10_2019 for 10% off on any purchase

You can use only one code at a time. International shipping is available too!

If you want to already test your 2019 luck, I'm hosting a giveaway on my Instagram where you can win this same beautiful treasure box! Open until Sat 5 Jan midnight.

Happy New Year, let's make this a good one!

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